I sit here this morning as I have for almost 50 years, my time focused on a devotional moment, some of those moments actually for hours. I am an early riser who's day is quickly filled with phone calls, calendar obligations and a typical Realtor workday, though folk think I am retired.
I am also an avid reader, in hopes that my writing will one day inspire others as I have been inspired by the likes of Rachel Held Evans, Richard Rohr, Brian McLaren and others. Yes, all quite liberal theologians for this early-on Evangelical, 4th generation Pentecostal, H somewhat fundamentalist in his religious rearing.
As I age and reflect on the life experience gained during my 50 years as a devoted church leader, entrepreneur at heart, hard worker in multiple business and municipal sectors, I am trying to decipher my blessed life, its purpose and how best to use these last few days for God's glory.
I am living in the Red Zone!!
You see, the math in our life does not add up to our current lifestyle. Yes, my wife and I have worked hard (just ask our daughter, or even look at her life as she too models a killer work ethic) but the decisions (good and bad), let alone our reckless desire for generosity that has afforded lots of investment in Kingdom enteprise...well, let's just say I am puzzled by blessings we never saw coming.
We are literally awaiting clarity of calling, fresh calling, with a new message and a personal transformation such as will be necessary to usher in the next reformation, one sufficient for a generation now quite skeptical of our 'Ole time religion."