The Great Awakening represented a reaction against the increasing secularization of society and against the corporate and materialistic nature of the principal churches of American society. (1720-1740).
The second Great Awakening, an attempt to convert people to Protestantism (1795-1835) led to the founding of colleges and seminaries and to the organization of mission societies. Perhaps unintentionally crafting an industry out of that movement, one that only further divided the sacred community from the secular.
The Third may now be fomenting among spiritually motivated, younger entrepreneurs within the marketplace, seeking authentic community and an opportunity to explore their own unique gifts, apart from what brings value soley to the institution they have known as church.
My guess is the congregations that nurture those marketplace giftings, parallel with opportunities to express one's faith in the greater community and in tangible ways, will thrive.
Those who struggle to maintain nonessential denominational positions, isolating themselves from the greater Body of Christ, while attempting to appear relevant by means of various worship styles, all to sustain the carrying costs of isolated campuses, will disappear.
Just being real!
Most early colleges were founded by the church