This morning's earlier post on social media seemed to open my curiosity even further as I continued my read through the book of Exodus.
My original post read as follows:
"Always amazed when verses read over in the past, speak to me in the now.
"When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”'
Exodus 3:4 NIV
"Sometimes we miss miraculous moments because we simply don't 'go over to look'!
"A spiritual curiosity that overrides doubt often proves key to breakthroughs, at least in my lifetime."
Then, as I read further into God's response to Moses, the notorious
"I Am" response, (which in Hebrew means "I shall be what I shall be!"), I
don't think I had ever tied the two responses, (Moses' and God's) together.
I had always regarded the "I Am" statement as God's singular and superior identity and then moved on toward the story of Moses' notorious lack of confidence.
What if God chose that very statement in response to Moses' earlier reply, ("Here I am")? Perhaps a means of conveying God's confidence in what Moses' future would be like because of who God am!
Now you know why I married an English teacher!
Maybe God was saying "You shall be what you shall be, Moses. Together, we've got this!"
Think of how things might have gone had Moses not been do codependent on his brother Aaron, the Golden calf guy!
By the Spirit, you shall be what you were called to be, uniquely crafted in your mothers womb to be! Trust in the Lord, "The I Am" and you will become who you am!!
Have a great day and a prosperous New Year.