This morning I stumbled onto a 90 minute video that triggered my rational mind and my grandpa heart.
I wasn't raised this way, but time has taken me here. Mine was a life nurtured by very God-fearing people, yet as well people accustomed to seeing miracles as evidence of that God. Full Gospel folk, yet somehow in their search for love, though mostly rural in origin, most gardeners, have lossed their awareness of responsibility for both Creation and the source of all ideation.
We have somehow allowed religion to pervert wisdom, and then under threat of loss, bought into a political saviour, at least one that we can lean into :until Jesus comes."
It's not that I don't believe in the second coming, it's that I just believe that God is bigger than what I have been taught by way of fundamentalism.
Even that has been suppressed in that most fundamentalists are cessationists, whose belief system seldom acknowledge the gifts of the spirit and thus the "greater things than these" expectation that has surrounded my walk with Christ.
As well, I have been grounded by a twenty year journey through the sciences, though likely my credibility played down by most purists in the field. Yet my studies continued even after leaving the classroom, and has given me a respect for ideation, which I believe is from a higher power than humanity.
What we are experiencing on this globe has consequences that perhaps our late stage capitalistic, agricultural industry, supported by a partisan system perhaps even in coalition with the former, doesn't want us to know.
Yet somehow, the I Am leaks remedy through technology to a people, even those suspect of sinister conspiracy, both the religious and the atheistic, because Love still reigns, and that is the Full Gospel!
Now check out the AI version, next post!
You might better understand once given 90 minutes to the link below.