The First Great Awakening lasted from 1730 to 1830. It focused on people who were already church members and changed their rituals, piety, and self-awareness.
The Second Great Awakening lasted from 1800 to 1920. It began as a reaction to the growth in popularity of science and rationalism. It focused on reforming bad things in America and fighting the perceived moral decay of society.
The Third Great Awakening was a period of religious activism in American history from the late 1850s to the early 20th century. It was marked by a strong sense of social activism, known as the Social Gospel.
The Third Great Awakening influenced pietistic Protestant denominations and had a lasting impact on them and was estimated to have lasted from 1855 to 1930. It was the third wave of heavenly power to come after the Second Great Awakening. It was characterized by religious revivalism.
The Fourth Great Awakening began about 1960 and focused on spiritual reform and "issues of spiritual equity".
The Four Great Awakenings were characterized by:
Widespread revivals led by evangelical Protestant ministers
A sharp increase of interest in religion
A profound sense of conviction and redemption on the part of those affected
An increase in evangelical church membership
The Fifth Great Awakening is a religious revival that some believe is occurring in the world today. Some say that this awakening is different from previous awakenings because it is not an offshoot of Protestantism or Christianity. Instead, it may be a response to the growing multicultural and heterodox United States in the 21st century.
According to David Barrett, author of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 82,000 people become Christians every day. In the last 15 years, more Muslims have come to Christ than in the previous 15 centuries. Churches are growing exponentially in Cuba and across Latin and South America.
The Strauss-Howe generational theory states that US history moves in 80-year cycles. The theory states that each generation moves through 20-year periods of influence called turnings. There are four turnings in a cycle, and each cycle has highs and lows.
The theory states that a crisis recurs in American history after every saeculum, which is followed by a recovery. A saeculum is a long human life, which usually spans between 80 and 100 years. The theory was first used by the Etruscans, then the Romans and other civilizations and cultures across history.
The current cycle began in 1946 and is described in the book The Fourth Turning. Howe and William Strauss argue that the last five centuries of Anglo-American history can be explained by the existence of four generational archetypes that repeat sequentially in a fixed pattern every 80-100 years.
According to Howe, we are now in the Crisis stage or “Fourth Turning” of the Millennial Saeculum.
1946+ 80= 2026...Thx, AI for all of the above!
May I live to see the end result of the current cycle! My hope is it will transform the institutions of our land, that true democracy survives and our republic still stands!!
My grandson showed me the birthday formula have a good