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A Brief God Wink

Conciseness is the quality of being short and clear, and expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words. It is a communication principle of eliminating redundancy, such as using as few words as possible in a sentence while preserving its meaning.

If you have been reading of late, you know that to be my greatest struggle as a writer. The source of that is the need to process "out loud", God help you if we get into a conversation!

This morning however, a timely note popped up from months back, reminding me of a "word" prepared for a group whom I had earlier been asked to share with. The meeting then later was moved to the first of the year, so I made myself a note in my digital calendar.

The note referenced Psalm 102 and read as a paraphrase of what I had heard earlier. It truly describes where I find myself in 2024:

"At times y days are like a sea faring pelican that finds himself in a forested wilderness, or an owl who loves the woods but finds himself in a hot and dry wilderness; a sparrow used to a flock, alone on a rooftop.

Likened to those early days of chores, designed by loving parents to sharpen one's skill set, with wages though less than a dollar, well beyond your benefit to them, some even needing to be done over. If so privileged as to be raised by good parents, all is preparing you for some vision seen long before you were born. Even if with poor parents, providential, pre-destined from your mother's womb!"

That note perhaps preserved as a "God Wink", a note from my Father, one of assurance, an "I've got you where I need you to be and have had you since your mother's womb!"

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