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I sit here this a.m. reflecting on almost 40 years of service to the church and to my community.  Grateful for the scores of lives touched in multiple cities; conversations and interventions of which many of those served were unaware.

I am not aware of any melodramatic mood this morning, simply attempting a realistic assessment of my next steps, and the energy and resources necessary for my next quest.  My first meeting this a.m. is with a political consultant.

Politics never entered my mind in 1978 as I prayed for God to use my life to reach cities.  I guess I was so locked into the congregational model that I assumed I would enable others and they would then be impactful at some larger scale?

However, I never dreamed some thirty years into my journey that the church would be so out of position in effective leadership within this country, while so oblivious to its plight. 

Let me say that there are churches now deep into that aHa, and headed toward transformation.  I am a part of one.

At least we symbolically have chosen to begin the journey, adjusting logos, web sites, even our name to imply our heart for the city over our commitment to our denomination. 

As well, we have begun to understand the concept of body life beyond our own campus, collaborating within a construct of multiple congregations and non-profits.  Those institutions are to be applauded.

Yet, something of concern looms on the horizon as we approach the state and national elections.  Damaged by a broken economy, alarmed by the fear of insufficient means remaining for retirement and for some, a growing expectation of entitlement, people are easily drawn into the divisions of a deeply polarized country.  A bi-partisan competition for power is now sanctioned as a way of life in America, but far from productive.

Throw in the attempts by some to legislate morality in areas, where love has long departed, and the democratic and theological institutions of our beloved nation become further biased toward failure.

Is there a place for a representative in government whose heart is to love people, reflect Christ and use wisdom?  We shall see.

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