"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be a blessing."
Psalms 37:25-26 NIV
Age, that is time, has its rewards, in that it affords sufficient capacity for convincing proof of the promises of God.
Now well into my 73rd year, I can recall choices made during times when generosity held risks for a then young married couple. Offering our surplus to others who had no financial margin in life, frankly at first felt somewhat illogical, but for the continued prompting of the spirit.
Let me say upfront, that reasonable investments and an aversion toward debt are necessities for financial wellness. However, for this post my focus is about sacrificial sharing, with friends and even at times, relative strangers.
Whether in the form of monetary gifts, loans, automobiles or furniture, I can recall with each moment a clear sense of assurance, followed by the great reward and further reinforcement of felt compassion, true life!
Risk yes, but the rewards are now our treasure.
I'm not a "prosperity preacher" but reflecting back on our lives, I can vouche for the scripture you have just read. Our child is blessed, and her children will likewise prosper, as she and her husband pay forward the grace found in generosity.
I might add that discernment of the Spirit is a gift that comes with the package, and as well a distain for prideful boasting. I am risking that one might hear the latter, but for the sake of those younger, whose hearts are prone toward generosity, a love for life, true philanthropy, I will take the risk!