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Dare to Believe

Brandon Billings

So, what if one were to fully believe in this God of Creation, this Ancient of Days who spoke these vast heavens into existence? 

I mean, fully received into intimate relationship, this friend of humanity who sits over the Universe, but in some mystical way is able to reside within those same individuals, as if each alone were the sole habitation of God? 

Could such faith by a few unleash the I Am of Moses, a God sufficient for the Red Sea moments now facing our democracy?

What if in this critical moment for our nation, a band of followers no longer enslaved to religion and its institutional rigors but rather deeply committed to being Christ to their communities, stepped individually into leadership wherever God had placed them?

What if those same individuals, boldly seized upon the life situations now facing this great land and lived out the principals of Christ in the face of financial ruin, ominous deficits of wisdom and political unrest, proclaiming justice and mercy, redemption and love, without requirement for reciprocation?

Could this be the Church’s greatest moment, unshackled from the churches, and their prophets of prosperity, whose false leaders have professed a form of godliness, yet denied the power of the One true God?  Some, even denying the blessings of God prostituted by these other false prophets, themselves offering orthodoxy alone in stale museums of past religious cultures as their measure of piety; both professions insufficient for the day in which we live.

If one would go there, will all credibility be lost, even for those individuals who may have previously offered decades of community service, sacrificing the support of both the religious and the political community?  What about opportunities for income in a time when all purses are strained?

“What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?”

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